One year from now, your life will either be better or worse. Never will it be the same. So stop clinging. Because ideas, beliefs, outside circumstances…everything changes. If you cling
I just read an article in the Smithsonian Magazine about the trillions of microbes in our bodies that create in each of us a “distinct microbial fingerprint, with individual variation
We’re taught almost from the get-go to conform. To fit in and appeal to the masses; to live inside the box. Imagine, though, if we come to life with our
There are plenty of studies that have found that people who live the longest are those who are able to bounce back positively after adversity. Mastering the art of resiliency,
From a PsyBlog article, 10 Easy Activities Science Has Proven Will Make You Happier Today: Do at least some of these activities today and feel the positive vibrations flow.
It’s so easy to get swept away in the thinking about what’s wrong with our lives. But it’s important to really stop and consider what’s right. I was talking with
I’ve been watching all the unprecedented wackiness at Wimbledon this year. The first couple of days of the tournament saw several huge upsets and plenty of easy predictions turned upside