I’m quite honored to be one of only 15 handpicked life coaches on a new start-up website called InvivoPlay. It’s a social, digital life coach based on science of positive psychology, designed to influence and improve lives. It is a place where experts help others with advice turned into real-life challenges, with the goal of transforming the world to a happier place. Life coaches create multi-stepped challenges that are designed for self-development in areas of social, wealth, wisdom, spiritual and health. Users accept challenges and walk through the steps, uploading proof which will take them to the next steps. I think one of the many benefits of this process is to make people more mindful and aware of the fact that they’re responsible to change the things they need to change in order to be happier.
Three entrepreneurs from Sweden have been working hard this past year developing it and just this month they were invited to launch it at the Swedish Parliament. They’ve also scored a partnership with a local university to research its effects on users. Not only has it been a pleasure to be a part of this before it was officially up and running, but I’m also fascinated by the process of a start-up and inspired by Maja and her partners for committing to an idea and getting it off the ground so efficiently. It’s going to be fun to see it gaining more popularity throughout the new year. InvivoPlay!