Erika Church spent most of her 30’s preparing for her dream job. Only she didn’t realize it at the time. After a decade in higher education and after completing her masters degree in education/adult learning, she realized that her true passion was in community farming. So she took a leap of faith, became a full time volunteer at DeLaney Community Farm and was offered her dream job just a few months later.
That paragraph makes it all sound so easy, but until you’re on the dream-job side of things you can wander aimlessly, unable to see the right path. There’s doubt, uncertainty, frustration, envy, and a huge lack of self confidence. How do you get through that? How do you not give up when you can’t see your way? When you’re so set on one path and are scared to switch directions.
Erika gives us some insights and some very valuable advice. She says that being stuck isn’t real; it’s just something we tell ourselves when we’re scared to change.
Erika Church holds a BA in Women’s Studies and Community Development, and a Master of Education Degree from Regis University. Church has had an exciting career in the higher education field for the past decade and has served as: Assistant Director at the Women’s Resource Center, Assistant Director at the Urban Water Center at MSU Denver, Water Conservation Instructor and Sustainability Educator.
Church has been passionate about community gardens and farms for years, and recently took a leap of faith and volunteered at an urban farm until a position opened up. She just accepted the position in December and it is her dream job: Assistant Farm Director at Denver Urban Gardens’ DeLaney Community Farm. Church is also a mother and wife, and enjoys cooking, being in the mountains or at the beach and laughing a lot.
I’m a sucker for inspiring stories about people who overcome limitations (often self-imposed) and witness some amazing things as a result. I’m hoping to have many conversations with people who’ve stretched outside their comfort zones and will present them here so that they may inspire others.
If you or anyone you know has a personal story about the magic that happens after stepping outside a comfort zone, I’d love to have a conversation about it. Email me: