I can’t help wondering how people go so over-the-top crazy. The current news is filled with the incohesive rants of Charlie Sheen and Muammar Kaddafi, so it’s an understandable question. But seriously? How many levels of yes-men must these people surround themselves with in order to completely lose sight of reality. How many people must they fire (or shoot) before stumbling upon the truth?
It could be said that craziness comes with the territory of fame and riches, but it still points to a valuable lesson that us normal peons can take away: don’t be afraid of people who challenge you. Those people are the ones who might just help you keep your authentic self in tact.
Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfills the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things – Unknown