There are times when I wish I could just slap my name on a particularly great blog post. Lately, I wish that a lot with the postings on Wait But Why. And they just added their brilliance to the familiar life coaching topic about the relationship between you and today:
Jack and Today are dating.
The relationship is going all right and Jack’s reasonably happy, but for a while now, Jack has known that the Today he’s with is not the one. Sure, he and Today have fun sometimes, but all too often, Jack feels like he’s dating a mundane Wednesday, and that’s certainly not the kind of Today he plans to be with in the long run.
Because he knows the relationship is just temporary, Jack doesn’t invest that much of himself in it, spending more of his energy thinking about someone else—Tomorrow. Now Tomorrow is the kind of day he’d love to date—fulfilling, passionate, meaningful and exhilarating. He knows it’s only a matter of time before he finds a Today just like that, the kind of Today he’ll be with when he’s found love, when his career has taken off, and when he lives in his dream city. More…
Can you relate to Jack?